TRAD (TextilePlot, R and DandD) is a visual environment for understanding data in depth. TextilePlot visualizes data by a combination of warps and wefts. It makes us easier to interact with data by pointing, coloring and selecting warps and wefts on the plot. TRAD also provides us a seamless and comfortable environment for using R. Data table in TAD( TextilePlot and DandD part of TRAD) is exported to a dataframe in R and vice versa. DandD(Data and Dsectiption) is an XML instance which supports various type of manupilcation of the data.
The goal of TRAD project which has been over 20 years is to provide a comfortable environment in which any user can enjoy conversation with data. It is not yet at the goal, but of great benefit to anyone interested in understanding data in depth. We keep going toward the goal. Please watch the development and make any comments or suggestion for the improvement.
Help files are translated into English by Google Cloud Translation Service. The brushup and therelpacement of the image files by English ones are still going on. I appreciate your patience. However you would have no problem in using TRAD since TRAD is designed as a multi-language environment from the beginning.
Thank you.
Download (free)
Installer for Windows (EV Code Signed)
PKG file for Intel x64 MacOS (Apple notarization applied)
PKG file for AArch64 MacOS (Apple notarization applied)
Screen shots
TAD window

R window

R editor Window